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 PETROPHYSICS Pty LTD. report appendix excerpt. "The specifics of this analysis of porosity and the similarity of a range of log-to core comparisons suggest an extremely high degree of certainty in calculated to be total porosity (por). The measurement is calibrated using dry helium pores in the oven and is, therefore "total porosity". Core companies usually use"effective porosity" or "effective porosity" to refer to the porous interconnecting pores in helium which were baked in an oven,, creating the situation that the same measurement may be referred to by two different names. Interconnected isn't the most popular definition of porosity that is efficient. The confusion about total. effective porosity is a result of the long-standing inconsistency between the major companies' use in referring to "effective porosity" to refer to interconnected pores which are infiltrated by He atoms in laboratory. The mainstream physical scientists (Shell, Archie, W&S, NMR literature, this report) use the term "effective porosity" to mean (total porosity, or the clay-bound water) which is in accordance with Hill Shirley and Klein's historical connection between Qv measured in laboratory experiments and the quantity of CBW. This is why the exact measurement is referred to as "total" in the mainstream of petrophysicists, as well as "effective" by a number of the core companies. This is what causes this misunderstanding.

What's the cause for this particular group of rational people and rational scientists are confused? Effective porosity can also be used by others in a general sense, and usually qualitatively, as shown below. Be aware that traditional logs that aren't NMR-based do not come with the information required to determine the capacitance needed to keep "effective" porosity in rocks with non-clay micropores such as silicon silt and carbonates. Log-based non-NMR calculations of "effective" porosity of clay and, consequently, CBW-free micro-porous carbonates, aren't very helpful - what tool is providing information to calculate the storage capacity? If you look over a clean carbonates Petrophysical document and find the word effective porosity to describe the situation, you should ask what the method used to calculate this number. This is the primary reason why carbonates (reservoirs where compaction and clays don't control the capacity of storage and permeability) are difficult to determine with standard logs as there aren't any logs available to measure the storage capacity. This is the primary benefit of NMR in carbonates.

The work of the author aligns with conventional Petrophysics and employs "total porosity" to refer to the volumetric measurement of heated oven-dried cores with identical in weight (c.100degC) porosities. That is the situation for the plugs were dried to 115 degrees Celsius. Reviewers must look over the report's main text for the key phrases "oven dried and weighed at continuous weight" to determine what the primary measure for the core is total porosity. Around 80 percent of the analysis on the central part is. If the core is dried in high humidity (usually 60C-40RH) the analysis must be calibrated in accordance with the porosity in the core. However it is essential that all SCAL should use the same measurement as their basis otherwise the assessment could be "disintegrated petroleum physics". The conventional core, logs, as well as the special cores must be comparable. Logs only carry all measurements of the central central core on the tracks of the well, as cargo trains.

In very rare cases (pers. Comm. Dave Bowen) conventional core oven porosities dried in helium don't accurately reflect the whole pores that are closed, since they occur inside the intracrystalline pores. The most important aspect to keep in mind for the petrophysicist working in this instance is that proper implementation of the core's grain density using the fix point method of liquid density that is described in this article permits logs to replicate how much porosity was measured in the central pore because of the core's less dense grain size and the need to have a reference measurement directly. The most important aspect to think about is the method of calibrating logs by a parameter that is precise and precisely measured. This issue has been debated in a way that is remarkably common sense Istvan Juhasz "Porosity system and models of petrophysical that are used in the evaluation of formation" SPWLA London Chapter Porosity Seminar 26th April 1988. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in petrophysicists to gain a better understanding of the controversial subject.

It is important to note that this is a comprehensive porosity study where the shale's porosity is not zero and is a Ro porosity (m) relationship. One of the main reasons to implement total porosity is that the relationship between the volume of shale and Ro is evident. When performing effective assessments of porosity analysts are not in a position to gain access to this data because the parameter of porosity is lost in shales, which gives the scientist an effective, immediate information for evaluating shales sand. If the researcher wants to comprehend the response of the tools which respond to the entire formation , not just fragments during the petrophysical analysis the permeability of shale should not be hidden. In the same way, Sw should not be removed at 1.00. If your clients prefer an appearance that resembles porosity display it after you've completed your evaluation and have a complete knowledge of the process.

Give End-Users Efficacious Porosity. The Practical Results

" Total" porosity is a way to calculate the level in porosity as well as saturation. The measure of porosity in the core typically gives all porosity. E&P managers must know something other than this. They need to have estimates of the thickness of the reservoir, its porosity and permeability that is effective, as well as the quantity of hydrocarbons that could be produced as well as water.

Effective and total porosity are identical in reservoirs that are not shaly. They may be nearly identical in shaly sandstones with clays (other than smectites) with a tiny proportion of the clay bound water inside clay structure. Shaly sandstones that contain clays which have already been and hydrated (smectites) the effective porosity could be less than the total. Shales that are smectite immature with total and core porosities exceeding 23% could be considered impermeable as well as non-reservoir.

To get real-world results petrophysicists and log analysts need to understand the total porosity as well as the quantity of clay that is water-bound. In the end, for those who benefit from the outcomes of petrophysics, it is more beneficial to offer 'effective' porosity. It reduces confusion and facilitates evaluation of the reservoir. In plots that present the detailed results the entire porosity should be highlighted, with the most effective porosity should be highlighted."

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