Petrophysics Courses & Training - Renewable Energy Primer

CAll forward searching Energy Companies. Power Generation, Power Distribution, Utility and Oil & Gas energy firm managers tasked with expanding their business towards renewable energy surgeries 

• Renewable Energy personnel who needs to keep abreast of the fast changing energy landscape to accommodate and expand their company 

• Private Equity, Bankers & Energy Investors who want Key Facts, important tendencies and a fuller, more sober comprehension of the varied energy economy • Researchers and technical personnel at Sustainable Energy

• Producers, distributors, merchants 

• Government personnel 

• Incipient Renewable Energy University Departments 

• Architects 

• People or firms installing solar or Off The Grid systems 

• Big electricity consumers -- could your company benefit? Bring your notebook with MS Excel. Course slide illustration | Course Reviews Renewable Energy is plentiful and all around us. It's energy storage and supply which restrict its usage. This forward looking debut to Renewable Energy, testimonials, compares and contrasts all significant renewable energy types at a Renewable Energy grid. Hydro, Wind, Solar, Biomass, Wave, Geothermal -- every kind's participation, reliability, placing, engineering, technology installation, crucial equations, emerging technologies, limitations, ecological influence, undesirables and economics (set up & running costs) are contrasted with average Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project and also the energy density of a single liter of petrol. Energy trend drivers, international imperatives and conservative potential situations are introduced. The class presents an exciting, forward looking and fact-packed overview of this fast evolving and increasingly varied energy landscape on the planet today, by a experienced energy advisor, investor and teacher. Key facts are introduced in the context of what they imply to your future, highlighting the technological, fiscal and societal choke factors which stymie renewable energy jobs. The class reviews renewable energy jobs in traditional financial provisions, revealing manners to pre-empt or prevent collapse in addition to highlighting crucial technology set to violate the present choke points. The aim of this program is to equip attendees with the knowledge to review renewable energy jobs, identify defects, suggest options and speed a jobs success in traditional ROI (return on investment) terms. The course entails a engaging continuing daily debate where the course is split in 2 to propose and create their particular RE undertaking. This influx of new knowledge retains the course in the top edge, but functional and critiqued! Brainstorming combines the keenness and experience of attendees together with the varied factual database of this class and topics that the resulting proposals to aggressive crucial discussion. Ultimately, each player is requested to share only 1 sentence that they believe is essential for us to be conscious of Renewable Energy -- their private inspiration.


All Integrated Petrophysics courses available in whole, part or re-assembled. Delivered via Zoom or similar.  Live or canned sessions. These are the best petrophysics courses at the best rates


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